Diverse and Integrated – By Design

Advancements in the GCIMS modeling system have had a continued focus on making multi-model integration achievable and reproducible while still maintaining development and publication as driven by our science objectives. We have a large variety of open-source, publicly-available, established software products in active development that are designed to function with the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM), as well as provide stand-alone value to the MultiSector Dynamics modeling community. We also continue to publish our products in software related journals to subject our development activities to the peer review process. These publications relay the incremental advancement of the GCIMS technology as it progresses with the science we conducted. They have also set the stage for success in our adoption of FAIR guiding principles for scientific data stewardship (Wilkinson et al. 2016) to describe the process by which our data are produced as well as acting as foundational support for our science-based publications.
The GCIMS components provide a suite of options for interfacing with GCAM. The following are a list of models and tools created for the GCAM user community with their descriptions and locations.
Component System
Statistical Emulators