Featured Research
Emulating Indices of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation with Computationally Efficient Algorithms
Earth system models (ESMs) provide detail-rich projections about future climate scenarios. However, these models consume too many… READ MORE
Evaluating the Economic Impact of Water Scarcity in a Changing World
Water scarcity depends on multiple factors including available supply, population growth, technological advancement, and food and… READ MORE
Evaluating the Future Evolution of Virtual Water Trade
Water-stressed regions rely heavily on the import of water-intensive goods such as crops from other regions. The amount of water… READ MORE
Impacts of Long-Term Temperature Changes on Electricity Investments
Long-term temperature changes can affect building heating and cooling demands and the corresponding electric sector capacity and… READ MORE
Making a Simple Climate Model More Accessible Through Online Visualization
Simple global climate models, like Hector, provide an efficient alternative to complex climate models as they can run essentially… READ MORE
Material Supply Availability Pose Potential Challenges to Future Power Sector Expansion
The evolution of the energy system could substantially increase material demands, but material supplies might lag, suggesting… READ MORE